Package-level declarations


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interface AngularAxisModel<T>

An interface for classes representing the angular axis on a polar plot.

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data class AngularValueAxisModel(tickValues: List<AngularValue> = buildList { @Suppress("MagicNumber") for (i in 0..<8) { add((PI * i / 4.0).rad) } }, val angleDirection: AngularAxisModel.AngleDirection = AngularAxisModel.AngleDirection.COUNTERCLOCKWISE, val angleZero: AngularAxisModel.AngleZero = AngularAxisModel.AngleZero.THREE_OCLOCK) : AngularAxisModel<AngularValue>

An AngularAxisModel that uses AngularValues of either Radians or Degrees.

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data class CategoryAngularAxisModel<T>(categories: List<T>, val angleDirection: AngularAxisModel.AngleDirection = AngularAxisModel.AngleDirection.CLOCKWISE, val angleZero: AngularAxisModel.AngleZero = AngularAxisModel.AngleZero.TWELVE_OCLOCK) : AngularAxisModel<T>

An AngularAxisModel that uses category values evenly spaced around the perimeter of the Polar plot. Values plotted on this axis can only exactly match one of the category values.

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data class DefaultPolarPoint<R, T>(val r: R, val theta: T) : PolarPoint<R, T>

Default implementation of the PolarPoint interface.

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A model for a radial axis that uses Float values and is linear.

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Contains default values for PolarGraphs.

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data class PolarGraphProperties(val radialGridType: RadialGridType, val radialAxisGridLineStyle: LineStyle?, val angularAxisGridLineStyle: LineStyle?, val angularLabelGap: Dp, val radialLabelGap: Dp, val background: AreaStyle?)

Properties used to customize the visuals and layout of a PolarGraph.

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Scope for plot series content placed on a PolarGraph.

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interface PolarPoint<R, T>

Represents a point on a 2-d polar plot.

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interface RadialAxisModel<T>

A model for a radial axis that transforms from axis space to drawing space.

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An enum class to specify how the radial axis grid lines are drawn. CIRCLES will draw the grid lines as concentric circles of different radii, whereas LINES will draw them as straight lines between consecutive angular axis grid lines.


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fun <T> PolarGraph(radialAxisModel: FloatRadialAxisModel, angularAxisModel: AngularAxisModel<T>, radialAxisLabelText: (Float) -> String = { it.toString() }, angularAxisLabelText: (T) -> String = { it.toString() }, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, polarGraphProperties: PolarGraphProperties = PolarGraphDefaults.PolarGraphPropertyDefaults(), content: @Composable PolarGraphScope<T>.() -> Unit)
fun <T> PolarGraph(radialAxisModel: FloatRadialAxisModel, angularAxisModel: AngularAxisModel<T>, radialAxisLabels: @Composable (Float) -> Unit, angularAxisLabels: @Composable (T) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, polarGraphProperties: PolarGraphProperties = PolarGraphDefaults.PolarGraphPropertyDefaults(), content: @Composable PolarGraphScope<T>.() -> Unit)

A Graph using polar coordinates - a radial axis and an angular axis. Multiple series of data can be plotted on a polar graph as lines and/or shaded regions with or without symbols at each plotted point.

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fun <T> PolarGraphScope<T>.PolarPlotSeries(data: List<PolarPoint<Float, T>>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, lineStyle: LineStyle? = null, areaStyle: AreaStyle? = null, symbols: @Composable HoverableElementAreaScope.(PolarPoint<Float, T>) -> Unit? = null, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = KoalaPlotTheme.animationSpec)

Plots a series on a PolarGraph.

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fun <R, T> PolarPoint(r: R, theta: T): PolarPoint<R, T>

Creates a new DefaultPolarPoint at the specified coordinates.

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fun rememberAngularValueAxisModel(tickValues: List<AngularValue> = buildList { @Suppress("MagicNumber") for (i in 0..<8) { add((PI * i / 4.0).rad) } }, angleDirection: AngularAxisModel.AngleDirection = AngularAxisModel.AngleDirection.COUNTERCLOCKWISE, angleZero: AngularAxisModel.AngleZero = AngularAxisModel.AngleZero.THREE_OCLOCK): AngularValueAxisModel
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fun <T> rememberCategoryAngularAxisModel(categories: List<T>, angleDirection: AngularAxisModel.AngleDirection = AngularAxisModel.AngleDirection.CLOCKWISE, angleZero: AngularAxisModel.AngleZero = AngularAxisModel.AngleZero.TWELVE_OCLOCK): CategoryAngularAxisModel<T>

Creates and remembers a CategoryAngularAxisModel.